This doubled sided Topshelf has a great deal going for her. A classic wedge shape, soft, supple with plenty of extension and capacity for development and growth. She’s a heifer first attempt and her linage is littered with show and donor females and leading sires of the ilk of Lilly, Pacific, Quartilla and Rivington. Deep and desirable with ample skin and coverage.
Glenlands J Amsterdam
Our terrific Topshelf son with a world of character, appeal, skin and beef. His coverage and thickness are to be admired. He comes with a very honest maternal side, meat and great Bos Indicus credentials coupled with natural thickness all wrapped in a modern male. His first sons debuted in 2022 averaging $12,000 for 7. These are his first females offered.
Glenlands J 16416: - Two calves in 2 years. Esperance and a weaner bull.