A terrific example of a great phenotype and genotype here. Deep, loaded with length, muscle and meat. The Umbercollie cattle blend well and here’s proof. Sire signage and a character filled male with loads of potential. Solidly constructed with balance, bone and big dimensions.
Medway Umbercollie
Full outcross pedigree in this acquisition from the 2014 Artesian Sale. His balance and outlook combined with a clean underline and great outlook are immediate standouts. A great coverage and clean tropical coat with an impressive sire’s outlook complete the package.To date, an impressive total of 29 sale sons have averaged $14,688 to top at $26,000 at the 2022 sale. A weaner daughter made $5250 at the 2019 Online Genetics Sale.
Glenlands 9559: -Nine calves in 10 years. Two females, one retained, two steers, 12472 sold to Black for $3,000, 12989 sold to Hewitt Australia for $3,500, one died, Escalade, and a weaner heifer.